transform()ing Like a Pro in Pandas

Published: December 29, 2017, updated: January 29, 2025

1. Introduction

The Pandas API surprises me with a new feature or method almost every day, and I have yet again discovered an interesting feature.

It turns out to be useful in some situations.

Using .transform(), you can, excuse the pun, transform the way you aggregate DataFrames. While not applicable to every use case in the “split apply combine” workflow, it makes one common task easy: joining back aggregate values to the original DataFrame.

First, we create an example DataFrame to explore the many ways we can use .transform() in our Data Analysis work flow.

We import Pandas for DataFrame creation, random for generation of random data in our DataFrame, and datetime.datetime and datetime.timedelta for purchase date creation. We furthermore import Matplotlib to inspect the data.

import pandas as pd
import random
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Just while creating this notebook I was struggling with one thing in particular while playing around with DataFrame creation. DataFrames printed inside IPython are sometimes just too long and have too many rows. Just typing df and having a well-formatted HTML table of the head and tail of the DataFrame you want to inspect come out is just too convenient.

I wondered whether there was any way to shorten the number of rows printed when evaluating a DataFrame. pandas.set_option to the rescue. The documentation has a full list of all options available, and one option that we find interesting in particular is max_rows. It determines how many rows Pandas can print at most when outputting truncated DataFrames.

Pandas truncates DataFrame outputs based on how much space is available for printing it. In the terminal, this is pretty easy to find out. Pandas just needs to see what the terminal’s character dimensions are. With IPython and Jupyter, this is not so easy. There’s no API available for determining the browser window dimensions inside Pandas. Thus, we’re stuck with manually setting a value.

We choose 6 as the most rows to be shown, including the head and tail of a DataFrame.

pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 6)

Today’s DataFrame, filled with fake data, consists of the following data.

Since we want to keep it entertaining, the data we look at today is e-commerce purchase data. We look at a table containing purchase items, and data that is associated with them. The purchase items are linked to a specific order ID. One purchase can contain more than one purchase item. To sum it up, we create the following columns.

category_names = [
start_date = datetime(2017, 1, 1)
rows = 100
df = pd.DataFrame(
            start_date + timedelta(
                days=random.randint(0, 30)
            random.randint(10, 100),
            random.randint(1, 10),
            random.randint(1, 30),
        for _ in range(rows)
) = "item_id"


item_id date category value customer purchase
0 2017-01-05 Magazine 18 5 4
1 2017-01-16 Beverage 70 7 26
2 2017-01-07 Food 72 1 29
97 2017-01-30 Beverage 41 6 4
98 2017-01-18 Magazine 84 10 3
99 2017-01-08 Food 12 4 13

That should give us some useful purchase data to work with.

2. The problem

The other day I was working on an interesting problem that I could only solve in a cumbersome way with Pandas before. For each purchase in a similar DataFrame, I wanted to calculate a purchase item’s total contribution to the total purchase value. For example, if a customer bought two 10 US Dollar items for a total value of 20 US Dollars, one purchase item would contribute 50 % to the total purchase value.

To find the total purchase value, we would typically use a group by together with a .sum(). Since we need to calculate the ratio of a purchase item’s value to the total purchase value, we would need to join that data back to the original DataFrame. Or at least, this is how I would have done it before finding out about .transform().

Let’s take it step by step and look at the necessary calculation steps. First, we need to group by a purchase ID and sum up the total purchase value. We need to group by purchase and sum up the value column:

values = df.groupby('purchase').value.sum()


purchase value
2 146
3 398
4 377
28 89
29 329
30 63

What we get is a Pandas Series containing the total purchase values for every purchase ID. Since we used a group by on the purchase ID, purchase is the index of this Series. We can visualize this data with a bar plot.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(20, 5))
values.plot(kind='bar', ax=ax)


Bar chart showing the total purchase value for every purchase ID

Bar chart showing the total purchase value for every purchase ID Open in new tab (full image size 7 KiB)

Now that we have the total purchase value for each purchase ID, we can join this data back to the purchase DataFrame. For this, we perform a left join of the purchase values to the DataFrame on purchase. We further specify that the value of the right side should receive the suffix _total. If we take a look again at our total purchase values, we can see that the name of the Series is the following.



If you perform a join() without giving Pandas a suffix, it complains about a name collision. This is because both sides specify a column named value, which can not be joined, since it’s unclear which column should take precedence. We need to have the right side column in the Series that we are joining change its name by using the suffix _total. Indicating that it’s a total value in the name of course makes a lot of sense, since the column contains the total purchase values.

Let’s perform the actual join then 🚀

df.join(values, on='purchase', rsuffix='_total')


item_id date category value customer purchase value_total
0 2017-01-05 Magazine 18 5 4 377
1 2017-01-16 Beverage 70 7 26 213
2 2017-01-07 Food 72 1 29 329
97 2017-01-30 Beverage 41 6 4 377
98 2017-01-18 Magazine 84 10 3 398
99 2017-01-08 Food 12 4 13 241

As we have discussed before, we want to calculate the ratio of a single purchase item to the total purchase value. We calculate value / value_total * 100 to get the ratio as a percentage.

        df.value /
        ).value_total *


item_id date category value customer purchase value_pct
0 2017-01-05 Magazine 18 5 4 4.77
1 2017-01-16 Beverage 70 7 26 32.86
2 2017-01-07 Food 72 1 29 21.88
97 2017-01-30 Beverage 41 6 4 10.88
98 2017-01-18 Magazine 84 10 3 21.11
99 2017-01-08 Food 12 4 13 4.98

To be honest, for a long time I thought that this was the only way to do it. At the same time I was more than concerned with how burdensome joining values back to the original DataFrame is.

Browsing through the Pandas documentation led me to discover a useful method, the .transform(). Time after time, aimlessly wandering through documentation has brought positive change into my humble life.

Using transform, we simplify this process and make the present an even more exciting time to be alive in.

3. Transform to the Rescue

While .transform()’s API is well documented, I could only find a few hints to what the use cases might be in the documentation.

Now I would like to present the perfect use case for .transform(). First, let’s take a look at what the method exactly returns. We define a method that prints the value it receives and returns the same value.

def return_print(value):
    return value

We then use .transform() to apply this function on our DataFrame. To avoid the result from getting too long we only apply it to the category and value column. We see that the category column is evaluated twice, which seems strange. Read on to find out why.

df[['category', 'value']].transform(return_print)


0     Magazine
1     Beverage
2         Food
97    Beverage
98    Magazine
99        Food
Name: category, Length: 100, dtype: object
0     Magazine
1     Beverage
2         Food
97    Beverage
98    Magazine
99        Food
Name: category, Length: 100, dtype: object
0     18
1     70
2     72
97    41
98    84
99    12
Name: value, Length: 100, dtype: int64


item_id category value
0 Magazine 18
1 Beverage 70
2 Food 72
97 Beverage 41
98 Magazine 84
99 Food 12

It’s interesting to see that Pandas executes return_print on the first column twice. That’s why the same output Name: category, Length: 100, dtype: object appears twice. To speed up execution, Pandas needs to find out which code path it can execute, as there is a fast and slow way of transforming ndarrays. Thus, the first column is evaluated twice. As always, the documentation describes this mechanism well (look for the Warning section).

We can furthermore observe that the result is an unchanged DataFrame. This is reassuring and lets us understand the next example even better.

We would like to calculate the standard score for each value. The standard score of a value \(x\) is defined as

$$z=\frac{x - \mu}{\sigma}$$


We can express this as a .transform() call, by calculating the following:

x - x.mean() / x.std()

x here denotes the column we are calculating the standard scores for. Since not every column is numerical, we limit ourselves to the value column and calculate standard scores for all purchase item values.

    lambda x: (x - x.mean()) / x.std()


item_id value_standard_score
0 -1.354992
1 0.643862
2 0.720741
97 -0.470884
98 1.182015
99 -1.585630

An observant reader notices that we can also perform the following calculation to retrieve the same result:

    (df.value - df.value.mean()) /


item_id value_standard_score_alt
0 -1.354992
1 0.643862
2 0.720741
97 -0.470884
98 1.182015
99 -1.585630

That is correct. I can see both forms having their advantages and disadvantages. I see the advantage of using .transform() instead of operating on raw columns as the following:

Let’s take a look at an example for two transformations applied at the same time.

def standard_score(series):
    """Return standard score of Series."""
    return (series - series.mean()) / series.std()

def larger_median(series):
    """Return True for values larger than median in Series."""
    return series > series.median()

    'value': [
    'date': lambda ts:


value date
standard_score larger_median lambda
0 -1.354992 False 5
1 0.643862 True 16
2 0.720741 True 7
97 -0.470884 False 30
98 1.182015 True 18
99 -1.585630 False 8

While we have observed in a previous article that it’s possible to assign names to function calls in .aggregate() to give result columns new names, it does not appear to be possible with transform.

For example, we were able to do the following with a tuple:

    'value': [
        ('mean', lambda x: x.sum() - x.count()),

We were then able to retrieve a column named mean that contains the result of the lambda, but we can’t do the same using .transform(). The following is impossible:

    'value': [
        ('standard_score', lambda x: (x - x.mean()) / x.std()),

We would instead just be greeted by an irritated Exception telling us to reflect on our deeds.

Leaving that aside, I would like to show you another use case for .transform() in the next section.

4. The problem, solved

It turns out that you can use .transform() in group by objects. What do we do with that? We can now calculate the aggregate value, just like when using .aggregate(), and then join it back to the index of the original grouped by object. If we’re calculating a sum for every group, we then add the result back to each index that corresponds to that group.

When grouping by purchase and calculating a sum, we would be then adding the sum back to every purchase item. Then, we can look at one purchase item and know both the purchase item’s value and the total purchase value.

Let’s try it out then:

ts = df.groupby('purchase').value.transform('sum')


item_id value
0 377
1 213
2 329
97 377
98 398
99 241

Instead of directly calling .transform() on our well-known and beloved DataFrame, we first group by the purchase ID column. Since there are approximately 30 purchases, this creates approximately 30 groups.

Then, for each group we calculate the sum in the .transform('sum') call and directly join that value back to the index used before the .groupby() call.

We can now join that value back to our original DataFrame:

df.join(ts, rsuffix='_total')


item_id date category value customer purchase value_total
0 2017-01-05 Magazine 18 5 4 377
1 2017-01-16 Beverage 70 7 26 213
2 2017-01-07 Food 72 1 29 329
97 2017-01-30 Beverage 41 6 4 377
98 2017-01-18 Magazine 84 10 3 398
99 2017-01-08 Food 12 4 13 241

Even more exciting, we can perform the same calculation that we’ve performed before, and achieve what required an extra .join() before.

        df.value /
        ts *


item_id date category value customer purchase value_pct
0 2017-01-05 Magazine 18 5 4 4.77
1 2017-01-16 Beverage 70 7 26 32.86
2 2017-01-07 Food 72 1 29 21.88
97 2017-01-30 Beverage 41 6 4 10.88
98 2017-01-18 Magazine 84 10 3 21.11
99 2017-01-08 Food 12 4 13 4.98

In the end, we were able to avoid one unpleasant .join() call and have made the intent behind our summation a lot clearer. And if you want to improve the comprehensibility of your IPython notebooks, clear intent, terseness and readability are king.

5. Summary

With .transform() in our toolbox, we’ve acquired yet another useful tool for Data Analysis. It’s always a delight to dig in the Pandas documentation to find out what other delights this great library has to offer. I hope to be able to write even more articles about obscure niches in the Pandas API and surprise you with one or two things that neither of us knew about.

I would like to encourage you to stay tuned and go out, dig up some new Pandas DataFrame methods, and enjoy working with data.


I would be thrilled to hear from you! Please share your thoughts and ideas with me via email.

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