Updates to my blog

Published: July 15, 2020, updated: January 25, 2025

I’ve taken some time to enhance my blog with two useful features:

This post shows how I’ve implemented these two features.

SVG embedding

It all started with trying to turn this piece of coded embedded into my Markdown posts:

digraph {
  "Hello" -> "World"

into this SVG image

flowchart LR Hello --> World

Edit from future me (in February 2023): since I now using Hugo, I render charts with Mermaid instead.

Embedding code that generates visualizations into files has always been incredibly useful. Having text and graphics next to each other makes writing and editing a blast. For me, it’s one of the big reasons why I’ve switched to Hakyll in the first place. The flexibility in how I create my Markdown files is incredible, and would be hard to achieve with any other static site generator framework.

When using Hakyll, updating and creating assets on the fly is a fragile procedure. I was basing my code for creating Graphviz and MscGen assets off of Jean-Pierre Prunaret’s code that I’ve found on GitHub some time ago. It was absolutely not meant to be used with Hakyll, and while after some initial tweaking it worked fine locally, I was greeted with missing images when running the Hakyll creation process on CircleCI and then deploying the dist folder to Netlify.

To understand what went wrong, we first have to understand how Hakyll builds sites under ideal circumstances:

  1. Hakyll traverses all user specified files and file groups, each declared as match "path/*" (and also all create’d files) and tracks them as compilation sources. It also sees if any compilation sources require others – a powerful feature – and establishes which to compile first.
  2. It applies the specified compile instructions to each source and stuffs the result in the correct folder (or route in Hakyll).
  3. If Hakyll is running in watch mode, it waits for any of the routes determined in step 1. to change, or have files added inside glob matches, and then runs 2. again.

The compilation process is straightforward, and resembles Make.

It also has one problem. While a compilation process is running, It’s difficult to dynamically add new compilation targets that arise from running step 1., and then have these compiled and added automatically. If it were possible to do this, a compilation process like this would typically be called “1-pass.” Users of LaTeX know that using it in certain combinations, for example with BibTeX, requires a so called 2-pass, or perhaps even 3-pass, compilation. Each document compilation works on the document a little bit in order for the next step to do the rest. This typically involves things like

Here’s exactly where my life got hard:

  1. Hakyll traverses my posts folder, and finds all the markdown files that I want to turn into blog posts.
  2. Hakyll compiles a blog post to HTML, and then generates all necessary SVG files, inserts the links to them into the Pandoc document AST, after which compilation finishes.
  3. Hakyll copies the resulting file in the dist folder and calls it a day.

What about the SVG files that we’ve just created? Since they are a result of step 2., Hakyll isn’t able to “know” that we’ve just created them, and is not able to identify them as resources it needs to copy into the dist folder.

The cheap solution to this problem is exactly what 2-pass TeX would do. Run it once, and then run it once more. The thing is, I don’t want to mess around too much with fragile build processes that run on CircleCI, as ideally I just want to have enough faith in my process, that I can just run git commit and git push and have a new post online on my blog in a few minutes.

In hindsight, the solution is obvious (as always). When before, the Pandoc filter that I was using, was creating SVG files on my hard drive, I could also just instruct Graphviz or MscGen to just give me the SVG directly through standard out, and then insert it into the Pandoc AST as raw HTML, a so called RawBlock, and fix the problem for good.

PDF conversion

Perhaps you’ve already noticed it: every post now offers a link to a PDF download.

For years now I’ve been fascinated by the beautiful typesetting capabilities that LaTeX & TeX offer. And part of that are all the stunning math equations you can create, but more importantly for me, and for writing prose, is how LaTeX wraps paragraphs, utilizes ligatures and hyphenates. I found a helpful comparison of Microsoft Word, Adobe InDesign and LaTeX here from 2008. And while the comparison is old, and Word and InDesign could have improved their paragraph building meanwhile, the key advantage is that a LaTeX based toolchain can be entirely open source, configurable, and incredibly flexible.

I don’t even want to think about how awful it would be to have to install Adobe InDesign on my Linux CI environment, let alone Microsoft Word. They most likely won’t just work on my Haskell/Stack docker image without many, many tweaks, and even after tweaking would still require me to pay a monthly licensing fee.

With Pandoc and Hakyll, and a lot of head-scratching, I was able to put together something that works, all the time, everywhere. The way it works is like any other Hakyll compilation, except that in this case I needed to specify a custom PDF writer that Hakyll did not provide. I’ve also taken some time to tweak the default TeX template that Pandoc comes with and removed parts that I am not using, and added some other parts that might come in handy for me.

Closing words

I invite you to check out the source code for my blog on GitHub and give me your feedback. Of course, you are also invited to try opening the PDF version of this article by using the link below.

With all these improvisations, it’s my goal to make writing posts a pleasant experience that is tailored to what I want to write about. Perhaps today I’ve come one step closer to my goal.


Changed graphs to use mermaid instead.


I would be thrilled to hear from you! Please share your thoughts and ideas with me via email.

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